

Total Units


Supportive Units


This residential community is a 65-unit affordable housing community with 50 units reserved for individuals and households who used to be homeless. Other low-income families will qualify for the remaining units. Amenities will include community spaces and support spaces for services and volunteer activities. AFH will coordinate services in this private rental community, under a philosophy that emphasizes community, connection and joy. For those households who are interested and qualify, AFH makes available a more intensive, whole-person focused range of services, which makes it easier to get the right services at the right time. By taking a whole-person approach to addressing key health-related social needs, our team is able to facilitate linkages to physical, behavioral, dental, developmental, and social services delivery systems.

In AFH’s continued efforts to reduce construction costs and get faster results, AFH will utilize prefabricated modular housing construction methods, which will shorten the construction period by months, allowing residents to occupy units sooner.

Development Team

American Family Housing

The Architects Collective

Not yet selected

Solari Enterprises, Inc.
Property Manager

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