
Our employees, volunteers and interns have agreed in one form or another to join American Family Housing, to give of their time and talent to achieve our nonprofit mission. We commit to honor the value of this commitment, in ways large and small.

Please look us up on Indeed if you are interested in applying, or sign up to volunteer and learn more about us!

These are our Values for Engagement with our employees, our volunteers, and our interns:

We are grateful

Our employees, volunteers and interns (or, combined, our “team members”) are a precious and diverse resource; within their hearts, understanding and unique social identities, we find the people who make our work possible. Their work can be achieved with gratitude and acknowledgment.

We connect

We offer educational, social, and professional growth opportunities in an inclusive environment that fosters long-term relationships, belonging, and life-changing teamwork. Our staff serve as vital bridges to the community and potential future employees.

We are accountable

Our team members hold themselves accountable for the organization’s health, results, and sustainability. AFH management ensures the provision of necessary resources, embracing principles of inclusion, equity, and diversity through company-wide processes.

We communicate

Consistent and clear communication between employees and supervisors fosters collaborative, transparent, and inclusive work aligned with high ethical standards. While individual feelings are acknowledged, they do not determine strategy.

We work smart

We cultivate smart work practices that honor diverse talents and perspectives, crafting systems and processes with creativity and efficiency while valuing our employees’ limited time.

We enjoy the journey

While we take our mission seriously, we approach our work with a sense of discovery, creativity, and joy, recognizing and embracing the diversity of experiences. We deliberately cultivate an inclusive environment that fosters belonging and enjoyment for all.

We are diverse

We highly esteem the presence of individuals from various and diverse backgrounds.

Our team embodies a rich tapestry of cultural and geographic diversity, mirroring the regions and cities where AFH operates. This encompasses employees, volunteers, and interns with firsthand experience living without a home.

Our team composition mirrors the diverse communities we serve, encompassing aspects such as race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, and age.

We are inclusive

Inclusivity is at the heart of our culture. We prioritize inclusivity by actively seeking and embracing diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. Every voice within our community is not only heard but also respected, fostering an environment where all individuals feel valued and empowered to contribute meaningfully to our collective goals.

We are equitable

We acknowledge that different identities and communities possess unique needs and skill sets. Upholding equity, we acknowledge and address barriers to access and opportunity. Through deliberate policies and practices, we aspire to craft a mission space where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. We are committed to actively adapting and refining our structures, policies, and practices to provide pertinent resources and support, ensuring that everyone receives what they need in a manner that meets them where they are.

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